Connecting ImmoScout24 to the WordPress plugin

What is the ImmobilienScout24 API?

The ImmoScout24 API is an application programming interface that enables you to automatically read in real estate data and images from through programming.

WP-ImmoMakler® imports your real estate objects from using an API.

The Austrian and the Swiss branches of ImmoScout do not provide any API.

You do not need any estate agent software to connect WordPress to ImmobilienScout24 and you can use it simultaneously, if required. You can even import your real estate from Immowelt simultaneously.

Integrating ImmobilienScout24 into your own website

Using the WordPress plugin WP-ImmoMakler®, you can integrate your real estate straight into your real estate website automatically. The real estate data and images are synchronized to your ImmoScout24 account on a regular basis. You can also offer previously archived, deactivated properties on ImmoScout as active offers on your website, without them being online on ImmoScout for a fee.

How do I connect my WordPress website to the ImmoScout API?

Just apply for your personal API key pair at

Now enter your keys in the WP-ImmoMakler® settings in your WordPress backend and activate the automatic import. Then, your real estate objects will always remain updated on your website, and you no longer need to log in to WordPress.